Drow -> Rothes/Goblins/Drow XP area

IMPORTANT. This information is TOP SECRET. Only 3 to 4
others know about this area. IF you are asked WHO YOU ARE
do NOT tell them. If you DIE, do not TELL A SOUL where
you are.

	1) Get some armour, some resist BLUNT, and a RoC or such.
	2) Get a FEW heals, and go to town. It is feasible that if
	   you have all the above, depending on your guild/weapon/cyans
	   you can begin XPing here at lvl 5.

	n;ne;nw;n;n;ne;n;stairs;nw;nw;n;n;w;sw;w;w;search wall;n;ne;e;e;e;e;jump floor ..
	And you wind up at E

The Rothes

~50K Xp melee. 5-20 sc per kill. Alignment = Unsullied O C \ | O--O--g--g--o--O | | | | | Web g--g--g--g--g--S \ / | | | | | | O--g--g--g--g--g--g--g--P--2nd Floor | | | O--g--g--g | | | g--g--g--g--g--g--g--Z | | | | | | / g--g-g--g--g--g \ | | | g--g--g--O \ O--E Web - DO NOT BOTHER WITH THIS ROOM. The Spider hidden here WILL KICK YOUR ASS. g - grazing area/farmland O - tunnel wall/storage E - entrance S - "search droppings" = shovel C - "dig ground" = Family Crest Z - The Ghost, just have the crest on ya, run in, run out. DO NOT KILL THE GHOST - EVER P - "dive pool", "hole" Takes you to the 2nd level. To get the to 2nd lvl, you must get the crest, show it to the Ghost, and then dive pool, hole.

The Goblins

~40K Xp melee. 1 gc per kill. Alignment = Neutral e | t \ t | t \ t U | \ t t | / t--O--t t--t / \ | t--t P--t t t--t / \ / \ t t--P--t t \ / \ / R P--t t--t--t / P--t e - entrance = from "hole" t - tunnels O - checkpoint U - "touch handprint, up" to go to the next lvl R - "jump hole, leap edge" to go back to the Rothes P - "pry gem" with the shovel in you inventory. This should a) get a gem, or b) a Goblin will jump out and have a gem on him. **Gems around NEAR here, not exact. **Gems save less then lvl 50, sell for **5 pc, ~gc, ~sc. **Sell 2 gems at each store (Sreen :portal,e,e,s,s,e,e) **(Lirath :S Gate e;e;e;e;e;n;n;n;n;w;nw;nw) **(Pesvint Shop)

The Drow

~45K Xp melee. 2-5 GC Alignment = Benevolent E | t / \ t--t t--t \ \ t t--S / | t--t t--t | / \ t t t \ / | t--t t--t \ / \ t--t t t c--c--c \ / / \ t--t--c--c c c*-c UW / / | | | c c--c--c*-c--c*-c | | | | c*-c--c*-c--c t = tunnels E = entrance to leave, "down" c = city * = house S - Can move rubble, then you end up in the Sea. SO DON'T! UW - Can search hand or such, DON'T! A Whirlwind warrior appears. He's NOT worth it. There are chests in some houses, but ignore them. The weapons they contain are useless.